Register and confirm your attendance at the Final Conference of the project Sport and Social Inclusion: Future for Children – FUTURE ++ by filling this form:
Date: Tuesday 28th of November, from 17h to 19h (with a coffee break)
Place: Auditori 1899 (Spotify Camp Nou) – C/d’Arístides Maillol, s/n (Accés 15) – 08028 (Barcelona)
During the conference, the FUTURE++ Team will introduce and explain the development of the project as well as the final conclusions. Schedule:
17:00h Welcome and presentation of the team and partners of the Future ++
17:20h Introduction Future + Where we come from?
17:30h Research Cycle
17:50h Coffe Break
18:10h Results of the project Sports and Social Inclusion: Future for Children FUTURE++
18:30h Round table discussion
18:50h Closure of the conference